星期一 | 09:30 - 17:30 |
星期二 | 09:30 - 17:30 |
星期三 | 09:30 - 17:30 |
星期四 | 09:30 - 17:30 |
星期五 | 09:30 - 17:30 |
星期六 |
星期日 |
- 凡年滿十八歲已接受洗禮或軍旗禮加入教會的基督徒,持有香港永久性居民身份證,並已登記為香港特別行政區政府地區選區的選民者,皆有資格被提名為「選舉委員會基督教界別委員」候選人,否則抽中者亦會自動無效。候選人需提交已接受洗禮或軍旗禮加入教會的證明文件,並由所屬堂會核實其基督徒身分。
- 提名方式有四種:
- 個人提名:個別基督徒須有20名年滿十八歲已接受洗禮或軍旗禮加入教會的基督徒提名,才能獲得參與抽籤的資格。(表格D1 / D1(S))
- 堂會提名:堂會可提名一位會友或同工參與抽籤。(表格D2)
- 基督教機構提名:基督教機構可提名一位屬於該機構的基督徒參與抽籤。(表格D3)
- 宗派總會提名:宗派總會可提名一位屬於該總會的基督徒參與抽籤。(表格D4)
- 參與抽籤者只可循上述四種途徑中的一種成為被提名人。
- 循個人提名途徑參與抽籤者,其提名人只可以作出一個提名,並須由其所屬教會核實其會友身分。
- 提名團體不論是堂會、基督教機構或宗派總會,須為已註冊的本港慈善團體(免稅條例88條),並於報名時提交副本乙份。
- 提名日期:2016年9月29日上午九時半至2016年10月20日下午五時半。報名者可於9月21日開始,於本會提供之網頁預約時間,已預約者可以獲優先處理。(註1)
- 抽籤將分兩輪進行。
- 上述四組如任何一組超過十位被提名者,將於第一輪抽出該組十位被提名者。任何一組若不足十位被提名者,全數將進入第二輪抽籤,毋需補足人數。
- 第二輪則於各組總共不超過四十位被提名者中抽出十位擔任選舉委員會委員。
- 第一輪抽籤日期為2016年10月30日,第二輪抽籤則由政府選舉主任安排。
- 候選人的抽籤編號會依據報名次序自動編定,有關名單並會於提名期後於本會網頁上公佈。
- 本會為是次提名事宜成立由不同宗派領袖組成之專責委員會,負責確定抽籤安排及相關事宜;基督徒個人、堂會、基督教機構或宗派總會的身分如有疑問者,亦交由本會委任的專責委員會裁決。(註2)
- 所有專責委員會的成員都不可成為「選舉委員會基督教界別委員」的候選人。
- 遞交表格:候選人必須親身送遞候選人表格往九龍尖沙咀加連威老道33號九樓「選舉委員會基督教界別選舉2016」秘書處,其他方式呈交之候選人表格一概不會接受。正式抽籤名單不遲於10月28日正式公佈。
- 本會具有是次選舉事宜之最後決定權。
“Please note that the application forms have been revised on September 23”
- Anyone who is a member of any church, through baptism or soldier enrollment, and holds Hong Kong citizenship with a permanent identity card and is a registered elector (voter) of Hong Kong can be nominated as a candidate for Christian elector for the Election Committee; otherwise he or she will be disqualified, even if he or she is selected as a Christian elector. The candidate must provide the certification of his or her membership of the church, baptism or soldier enrollment, with verification from his or her congregation.
- There are four channels of nomination for drawing lots:
- Individual nomination: Endorsement by at least 20 Christians, who must be over 18 and members of any church, through baptism or soldier enrollment. (D1 / D1(S))
- Nomination by a congregation: Any congregation is eligible to nominate one church member or worker. (D2)
- Nomination by a Christian organization: Any Christian organization is eligible to nominate one Christian of that organization. (D3)
- Nomination by a governing body of a church denomination: Any governing body of a denomination is eligible to nominate one Christian of that governing body. (D4)
- Any participant can become a nominated candidate through only one of the four channels.
- For the method of Individual Nomination, persons may endorse only one candidate.
- Whether a congregation, Christian organization, or the governing body of a denomination, the nomination body must be a registered charitable organization of Hong Kong, i.e. those exempt from taxes under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. A copy of proof of charitable status should be submitted with the application form.
- The nomination period will run from September 29, 9:30 am to October 20, at 5:30pm. It is recommended that the applicant should make an appointment online as we will process the application via e-booking first(*). Online booking will start from September 21.
- The method of drawing lots:
The drawing of lots will be conducted in two rounds. - If any one of the four groups exceeds 10 nominated candidates, 10 will be balloted by drawing lots from the group in the first round. If there are less than 10 candidates in any group, all of them will enter the second round and no additional candidates will be slated for that group.
- In the second round, 10 electors to the Election Committee will be balloted by drawing lots from a total of not more than 40 candidates from the four groups.
- The date of the first round of drawing lots will be October 30. The date of the second round will be scheduled by the returning officer.
- The number of lots will be arranged by the sequence of submission of application. The final list of candidates will be announced on the website of HKCC.
- A Select Committee is appointed for the matters of selection of Christian Electors, the members of which are the leaders of different denominations. If there is any doubt about the qualification of any individual Christian, congregation, Christian organization or governing body of a church denomination, it will be submitted to the Select Committee for decision. (**)
- No members of the Select Committee can be nominated as a candidate for Christian electors for the Election Committee.
- The applicant must submit the application form in person to the secretariat of Christian Electors to the Election Committee at 9/F, Christian Ecumenical Building, 33 Granville Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon. The official list of candidates will be announced no later than October 28.
- HKCC reserves the final rights to accept any registration.
- In the event of any inconsistency between the English and Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.
(*) On-line booking: https://goo.gl/LmTDTS
(**)Select Committee: Bishop Chang Chun-wa, Rev. Lam Sung-che, Bishop Soo Yee-Po Thomas, Elder Wong Fook-yee, Rev. Ng Shan-ho, Rev. Chu Wing-wah Samuel, Dr. Chan Shu-on
Forms download: